
AVK- Newsletter

RO Water Filter Facility : A new RO Water Filter with higher capacity was installed in the Junior wing on the 29th December. Our Madam Secretary, Principal, Teachers along with a few enthusiastic students of the Junior school inaugurated the filter. The event was symbolically made significant by distributing the water to our children drawn from the newly installed filter.

YOGA pre-olympiad Competition - 15-05-2023.Two of our students participated in the Regional Yoga Olympiad conducted by the Council for The Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) New Delhi, at Vijayashree Public School Bengaluru, recently.Hemanth H Salunke of Std VIII won the First  Position in the Junior Boys Category and Adhya S Nayak of Std VI won the Second Position in the Junior Girls Category.

Both students are qualified for the National Yoga Olympiad to be held at Kolkata later this month.
Hemanth secure II prize at the  National Yoga Olympiad held at Kolkata and he got qualified to attend a Yoga training camp during 14 to 20th of June at Bhopal. He represented CISCE team at Bhopal. During the training camp Hemanth and other 3 team members emerged as GOLD medal winners during the training camp. Entire family of AVK is proud of Hemanth's acheivement and we wish him success and blooming furure.
Winter Road Race Competition : Winter Road Race was conducted for the students of classes IX and X . Girls and Boys participated in an enthusiastic manner and displayed a good participation and sporting spirit. Girls were given the target of 1.5 KM the Boys were given the target of 2 Kilometers. Students of all the 4 houses took part in the competition and the first Five Early Birds contributed points to their respective houses. Principal, Vice Principal, PE teachers and House Teachers actively took part in the event. 

Children's Day Celebration : 15-11-2023 - Students of classes I to V celebrated children's day in a joyful and colourful manner. Students were asked to attend the school in casual wear and each class was given a color code. Our primary wing teachers decided to go with the colorcode of their respetive classes. Basically it was a BAG LESS day for these children. We organised a in-house planetorium show for these kids. Students participated in the fun games organised by their class teachers. The day ended in learning with fun.  


Kruthi Sangama (09-12-2023) : Kruthi Sangama is our annual exhibition. Students prepare models and experiments in TWO different combination of subjects.  Students work under the guidane of teachers and  prepare students for 20 days. Parents and other invitees visit our school and our students demonstrate the work done by them to the visitors. The main aim of having such an event in school is to develop the spirit of team work and collaboation amongst the students. Students enjoy and also learn during the preparation time, and on the day of the exhibition as well. We have such an activity for students of clases III to V and VI to X alternatively. This year the event was for the students of classes III and V. Below are  a few pictures of the event.



Kala Sangame (23-12-2023) : Kala Sangama is our Annual cultural day. Students get around 20 days to practice and organise a cultural event during the school hours under the guidance of our teachers. This event is conducted for classes I to V and VI to X  alternatively. This academic year students of classes VI to X organised a cultural show on the theme - 'VASUDAIVAKUTUMBAKAM'.


National Yoga Olympiad 2024-CISCE conducted a regional YOGA olympiad 2024 at handigarh. Hemanth H Salunke of class IX  has secured First position in that and has been qualified for the National Yoga Olympiad 2024 to be held at RIE, Mysore, Karnataka. The Natioanal Olympiad will be conducted during the II week of June and winners from the different regions take part in the competition to get qualified.